NEWMAN - Slow is back
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NEWMAN - Slow is back
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NewMan - Slow is Back
The Brief: NewMan, an iconic fashion brand from the 80s is coming back on scene. A partnership with a rock band was made via a video clip. On social network, how to get the youngers know about that iconic brand.
The idea: Slow is Back, the clip of the rock band is a slow music also an iconic thing from the 80s, let’s make revive together those two icones on a modern platform.
The execution: On Facebook people were invited share their favorite moment of slow, it could be a movie extract, a song, a picture. Each week the post that had the most likes was winning a Newman special goody, or concert ticket for the rock band.
Users share through the app their fav moment connected to Slow music
community management stimulate people to share their memories by offering goodies
Post share through the app appear in user feed